Intervention with the Family of the Adolescent with Problems

— Online Mode —

Intervention with the family of the adolescent with problems

de 40 hours

Edición permanente

Intervention with the Family of the Adolescent with Problems

— Online Mode —

de 40 hours  -  Edición permanente
Start of the course when
the student enrolls

Content Program

Some key ideas about adolescence… 2

Basic assumptions… 5
 - Looking for the best working hypothesis… 7

Rigid pattern of interaction between parents and children... 8

Parental typology... 9

Parent-child typology... 11

Family models (I)… 13
 - Hyperprotective model… 13
 - Authoritarian model… 14
 - Democratic-permissive model... 15

First interview... 16

Visitor - Claimant - Buyer... 18



The symptomatic cycle (I)… 20
 - Identification of the symptomatic cycle… 22
 - Setting the objectives… 24
 - Rupture of the symptomatic cycle… 25

Family models (II)… 26
 - Sacrificial model… 26
 - Delegating model… 27
 - Intermittent pattern... 28

Violent behavior of adolescents (I)… 29
 - Mild problem behavior... 30
 - Moderate problem behavior... 30

The Recapitulation... 33

Return... 35

• Rupture of the symptomatic cycle... 36



Violent behaviors of adolescents (II)… 40
 - Serious problem behavior ... 40

Triangles in the family of the problematic adolescent... 45

Strategies for connecting with difficult teens... 53
 - Humor and surprise… 53
 - The use… 53
 - Siding with the adolescent… 54
 - The adolescent as an expert advisor… 54
 - The therapist's use of the ego… 54
 - The “Colombo” approach… 54

Intervention techniques (I)… 56
 - Asking appropriate questions… 56
 - The alternating alliance… 56
 - Multidirected partiality ... 57
 - Using redefinitions… 57
 - Using metaphors… 58



Depression and suicide in adolescents ... 61
 - Phase 1: Ensure safety… 62
 - Phase 2: Open the possibility of dialogue… 62
 - Phase 3: Provide support… 63

Intervention techniques (II)… 66
 - Cross Phrase Technique… 66
 - Uncensored Writing Technique… 67
 - Technique of the Intern World and the World of the Son… 67

Therapeutic tasks… 70
 - Record of daily scores… 70
 - Letter to the son… 71
 - Bilateral relations… 72
 - The paper cup… 72
 - Differentiating behaviors ... 73
 - Introducing the emotional and affective ... 74

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