Systemic Family Model Intervention Basic Training in Family Therapy

— On-site Blended learning —

Level 1 - Basic Training

Postgrado de 200 hours

Año académico: 2025-2026

Basic Training in Family Therapy

— On-site Blended learning —

Postgrado de 200 hours  -  Año académico: 2025-2026
Open Registration Registration deadline: 30 de September 2024

General information

  • Objectives: Training in Systemic Model Applied to Families aims to provide a basic and solid preparation strategies and techniques involved professionally with families through the development of concepts of systems theory and knowledge and implementation of interventions and techniques of family therapy is essential sistémica.
  • Aimed at: Professionals with a university degree in the field of mental health, psychosocial and psico-educational fields.
  • Director: Luis Santiago Almazán
  • Classes: 18 classes (9 classes the first year and 9 the second year), once a month from 5 hours and fifteen minutes duration each.
  • Duration: 200 hours (100 hours per year) 4 Blocks.
  • Course Period: October to June.
  • Exercises: Students complete training through the completion and submission of exercises, both on the course content and on practical cases. The exercise period for submission is July until the academic year.
  • Places: 18 maximum.
  • Material: The Center facilitates, bound material, complete notes of the topics covered.
  • Diploma: After the four blocks, the Diploma of Vocational non-university graduate than 200 hours in the course on "SYSTEMIC FAMILY INTERVENTION" extends. Title endorsed by the FEATF (Spanish Federation of Family Therapy) and Basic Training in Systemic Family Therapy. Certificate 50 hours after each block is also issued. 
  • City where it is taughtBarcelona and Palma de Mallorca
  • Price training (First and Second year): Enrollment: 450 euros plus 18 monthly payments (over a period of two years) of 110 euros each.
  • Payment of registration in installments: 200 euros upon registration and 250 euros before September 5.
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