Systemic Family Model Intervention Basic Training in Family Therapy

— On-site Blended learning —

Level 1 - Basic Training

Postgrado de 200 hours

Año académico: 2025-2026

Basic Training in Family Therapy

— On-site Blended learning —

Postgrado de 200 hours  -  Año académico: 2025-2026
Open Registration Registration deadline: 30 de September 2024


  • The theoretical content taught in the first course aimed to provide students the change to systemic epistemology and conceptual knowledge on family structure and dynamics, as well as an approach to the different types of therapeutic intervention.
  • The theoretical content taught in the second year aim to deepen the systemic model, make the theoretical assumptions and therapeutic interventions of the leading schools in family therapy, and deepen scenario development and intervention techniques.
  • Throughout the training work and analyze different fragments and sequences of family sessions. The goal is to learn to "observe" from the systemic perspective, formulate "hypothesis" and implement "strategies and techniques" of intervention with families. Also, analyze and complete five therapeutic development processes (from the first to the last session) is working.
  • The students divided into groups of four or five people, perform the exercises and answer questions related to the theoretical subject taught in class and worked with family therapy session.
  • Conducted exercises simulated families through role-playing and family sculpture.
  • Students have access through password, the Virtual Campus of the course to expand the content through supplementary materials.
  • Continuous assessment is conducting monthly exercises that students must present, plus two multiple choice tests on the theoretical take place in February and June concepts.
  • During the course, the student has a direct channel with his tutor (24 x 7) to ask questions and clarify doubts about the study topics. Likewise, you can participate in the Discussion Forum, where students pose questions, cases, doubts, professional questions, contributions on course topics, etc., and a Chat, in real time, in case you want to interact with classmates and companions.
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